Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This morning, we woke up with the Jewel tied up in Philipsburg, Sint Maarten.  I left Joni in bed and went out to get a cup of coffee.  When I returned with Joni’s 140 degree cappuccino, she asked, “What’s the weather?”   Again, my response, “Somewhere between beautiful and perfect.”  I am sensing a pattern.

St. Maarten is “code” for shopping.   Break-the-bank jewelry shopping if you are so inclined.  I have heard the report that 80% of the world’s supply of retail diamond jewelry is sold in the Caribbean Islands.  But… it can be thoroughly enjoyed without putting a second mortgage on your house.   Really… it can.  You can spend a little.  You can spend a lot.  Or… you can spend a couple of bucks on a water taxi and enjoy a gorgeous day at a free public beach.

To get to the city, Philipsburg, once you walk a short distance to the end of the pier, hang a left, walk less than 100 yds., and find the entrance for the Water Taxi.  For $7 per person, you can ride back and forth all day.  Be sure to have them drop you at the Center of Town… not the Marina.  If they stop at the Marina first, you can simply stay on, and they will take you to the Center of Town pier.  It's not that big of a deal if they drop you at the Marina, it just means that you have to walk along a wonderful beach to get to the hub of activity.  Bummer, right?  Just plain awful, I’d say.  However, from the Center of Town Pier you will have instant access to fabulous shopping, or a fantastic public beach.  There is no reason why you couldn’t do it all.  Also, there are several beachfront cafés and restaurants where you can find great local food.

Although we didn’t go to Maho Beach on this trip, we have been there before and would recommend it.  It is the famous beach that sits right on the end of Princess Juliana International Airport.  Huge Boeing 747 jets land directly overhead.  It is quite an amazing thing to see.  As I recall it might take $10 or $15 dollars for the taxi ride out there but it is fun.  Here are a few pics of Maho Beach that I took on a previous cruise.

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