Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Everyone should have a pair of dance shoes… but I will get to that in a moment.

A couple of years ago, as Joni and I were packing for an upcoming cruise, I thought I was about done when Joni walked out into the living room and dropped an arm-full of shoes and flip flops on the floor in front of me.  I asked, “What are these?”

“What do you mean, “What are these?”.  They are shoes.”

“Let me rephrase the question.  What do you want me to do with these?”

“Pack them.”

“All of them?”

“Well… yes.”

“I’m going to need another piece of luggage.”

Cruises will test your luggage packing skills.  Cruises will test your supply of shoes; especially flip-flops.

However, it would be wrong for me to miss this opportunity to say that I believe every life should have at least one pair of dance shoes.  And I don’t mean a pair of shoes that you wear when you dance.  And… I don’t mean a pair of dance shoes that you leave in the dark back corner of your bedroom closet.  And… I don’t mean any ol’ pair of shoes.  I mean a “real” pair of suede soled dance shoes.  Every life needs to dance… “seriously” dance.  And… owning a pair of dance shoes means that you are serious about dancing.  Note that I did not say that you necessarily need to dance well.  You only need to be serious about the need… your need… to dance.

Oh… and just for the record: On this cruise we packed a total of 26 pairs of shoes!  I'm going to have to buy a bigger piece of luggage for our next cruise.

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