Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Shapes are everywhere…  

Maybe it is my Geometry DNA that causes this to happen, but I notice shapes everywhere.   On this particular cruise, my GEOM-DNA radar is getting pinged constantly.  I am suddenly thinking that maybe this is one of the appeals of cruising for me.  A cruise ship is not a 3 bedroom ranch.  It is not a cozy bungalow.  It is up and down.  It is curving.  Its contours are flowing all around me.  Its specialized architecture has been built around a large hotel… scratch that… a small city that is designed to move its residents across the tides… across the rhythm of the seas.  You don’t just stop down at your local Home Depot and pick up the wood, and tile, and fabric, and glass, and stainless steel, and brass with which to build a city such as the Jewel of the Seas.  

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