When you take a cruise you will be sent, from the Cruise Line, luggage tags. These are usually color coordinated with deck and cabin number info. This seems very good, right? It is important for the porters to get your luggage from the dock to you cabin, correct? So, luggage tags to mark your luggage would seem to be a vital and necessary piece of equipment, yes?
The problem is that your luggage tags will come as an email attachment. Or, perhaps they may come in a package of documents from your Travel Agent. Either way, they will end up being nothing more than an ordinary piece of paper. That’s right… a piece of COPY PAPER!!!!, which you will be instructed to fold, then loop through your luggage handle, and then staple together.
Let me see if I understand this correctly. The safe and timely delivery of all of my clothes… all my supplies… all of Joni’s shoes is dependent upon a piece of 5th generation recycled copy paper surviving being carried and tossed around with literally thousands of other similarly tagged pieces of luggage. Really?
This Travel Tip was born out of a time when one of our pieces of luggage did not make it to our cabin. Let me say that it is a very unsettling feeling as the lights of
So… what is the Tip? Get a piece of clear packing tape at least twice as long as your paper luggage tag plus an additional 4 – 5 inches. Lay your paper tag down on the tape and then fold the tape back across the tag so that both sides of the tag are covered with tape. What you have basically created is a super tough laminated tag. Then place the tag through the handle of your luggage and finish securing the ends together with the remaining tape. Add a couple of staples if you like. Done!
One more trick… If you are concerned about your tag accidentally being ripped off by baggage handlers or the equipment / conveyor belts at the airports, you can simply tuck a roll of tape inside your checked luggage, where it can then be easily retrieved upon arrival at your cruise departure city where you can then take a few minutes and take care of this “Cruise tag tape / laminate” business before you head for the departure dock. One thing is for certain; no matter when you do it, it will be exponentially more secure than it would have been had you not “taped” it.